Dental Veneers are a thin ceramic shell that will be placed on the front of your existing tooth. Veneers are an excellent choice if your teeth have been damaged by discoloration, tooth loss, shifting, chipping or other issues.
The painless process usually takes three to four visits and starts with a consultation about what you are seeking from the finished product. Once we’ve agreed on a design, we carefully prepare the teeth for the placement of the new veneers. At this point we take an impression of your teeth to send to the lab that will me making the actual veneers. The creation of your veneers takes approximately 10 to 14 days. While these are being made, we can provide you with a temporary set to wear until yours are complete and installed.
Once completed, we work to install your veneers such that they work and feel exactly like your natural teeth, with no discomfort or inconvenience. You should barely know they are there except for your bright, beautiful new smile. Call Broadway Dental today for an evaluation.